This module is part of the Distance Learning Website of the Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland (CIBI)


This module provides an overview of the history of Carmelite women, and includes a few thumb-nail sketches. Its purpose is to provide a background for more detailed studies of particular women, in separate modules. In the five units we shall look at:

  • The beginnings, and the first  outstanding figure: Bl. Françoise d’Amboise;
  • St. Teresa of Avila and her reform;
  • St Mary Magdalen of Pazzi OCarm; in Florence; and the spread of the Discalced nuns;
  • England, Ireland, and  -  Vatican II;
  • Other developments, especially a glimpse at the many Carmelite Sisters in both parts of the Order.

Module Tutor: Mary Pia OCD

The module is divided into 5 units of input and, at the end, you may complete a Questionnaire, write a Learning Journal, or write an Assignment.

Once posted online, each unit will be available until the end of the module. The dates on which each of the units, and the other material for this module is available in the calendar in the Student Section.



Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5


Learning Journal

Essay titles


Please click HERE to access the STUDENT SECTION for module start and end dates

From the date corresponding to the relevant Monday (see main web page of, you can click on the relevant unit to access it. Each module includes links to other internet sites of various kinds related to the material being covered.

    Once you have successfully accessed and studied the material in each module and received the Assignment titles and the questionnaire, pleace complete either the Questionnaire, write a Learning Journal, or write an Assignment based on one of the titles given, and return it to to the course administrator:


Copyright: CIBI holds the copyright to this material (text, graphic and other); distribution to family or friends, or publication (including on internet) of any part of the material is not permitted without the CIBI ’s explicit written permission.